Friday, June 08, 2007

A Witch's Brew to make you feel Better

(for Damon)

In the morning
gobble rice and goat sauce,
stir in a cafe au lait
(sweetened condensed milk with instant coffee),
with a buttered baguette,
chomp on a slice of coconut,
drink zoom koom (ginger drink),
open up a mango,
and mix with
dried manioc shavings and fried fish,
try a mouthful of warm millet beer,
share a plate of grilled goat and lung,
sip a bottle of hot coke along
with warm Guinness
ending by mixing the two.

An African Tapas experience au village

Let the stomach rumble and grumble till nightfall.

Then throw it up and piss it out your ass.

Welcome to Africa.

Taxi Bus/Brousse

Sunday 3 June

The ride was luxurious in a big 60 passenger bus, a five hour trip with curtains on the windows, with music and air conditioning. The road was smooth, flat, and straight.

On a dirt detour from the paved road being repaired, the bus stopped.

We sat outside on the sparsely grassed dirt and planned our trip to Ghana.

An hour later we flagged down a 12 passenger van and became two of the 19 sardined inside.

Luxury turned into reality.

Ahh... the adventures of travelling in Africa.

Something to do au Village

Thursday May 24

One of my favorite things to do in my house is to search for termite tracks along the white walls.

Termites form dirt paths as fat as my fingers that can be as long as my foot and even longer if you leave them be.

Termites don't bite. I just brush the crispy dirt away with my hands.

The only negative thing about termites is that they eat paper, precious reading material. Documents turn into dust.

I have to keep my eye and broom on those insects that give me something to do au village.