Friday, June 08, 2007

A Witch's Brew to make you feel Better

(for Damon)

In the morning
gobble rice and goat sauce,
stir in a cafe au lait
(sweetened condensed milk with instant coffee),
with a buttered baguette,
chomp on a slice of coconut,
drink zoom koom (ginger drink),
open up a mango,
and mix with
dried manioc shavings and fried fish,
try a mouthful of warm millet beer,
share a plate of grilled goat and lung,
sip a bottle of hot coke along
with warm Guinness
ending by mixing the two.

An African Tapas experience au village

Let the stomach rumble and grumble till nightfall.

Then throw it up and piss it out your ass.

Welcome to Africa.


danieltalsky said...

Now that is a great poem.

Anonymous said...

Brutal! ha!