Wednesday, January 26, 2011


My friend, M. is compiling a lifetime collection of jumping pictures in every city that she visits and since I was traveling with her I got into the habit of taking photographs of jumping pictures and jumping as well.  While in Pingyao after an hours bike ride and arriving to a particularly uninteresting deserted temple except for the gatekeeper, I decided to have some fun and try to capture a jump using the self-timer; however, most of the pictures were badly timed.  Since I tend to travel alone, maybe I should compile a lifetime collection of about to jump pictures or already landed jumping pictures.   
In the previous post, "What is the man doing?"  he is popping popcorn.  Can you see in the back of the picture the cobs of corn?

1 comment:

M said...

wow. (most) laowai come to China to convert to Christianity. I convert to jumpinity. I feel special.