Saturday, April 24, 2010

Learning Math in Knitting Club

Today 5 of us walked to the knitting store and bought an array of colors to knit stuffed animals, cats and small felted money purses. We got ice cream on the way back and then went to the garden where 18 girls were waiting for us plus shockingly one boy. I did tell the boys that they could come even if they didn't want to knit. They could talk and eat the provided snacks. What was even more shocking was this boy could knit, both the knit stitch and the purl stitch, asking if he could knit a kitten into the purse. I was like wow.. that is hard, but if you want to go ahead.

We learned how to read a simple knitting pattern.

We had to do calculations in order to make buttonholes. I bet it was the first time in a lot of the students' lives to ever have to actually do a calculation in English for an actual real life purpose. They didn't understand the English I was using.

What is 24 divided by 2?
What is 12 minus 2?
I wonder if they have ever learned
how to do math in English.

The RELO grant wanted the project to be directed to English learning. This Saturday while knitting we learned how to do math in English.

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