Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Getting a haircut

I alwayItalics believed that people in China would be able to cut my hair better than people in America. The hairstylists here are familiar with my straight, coarse, black hair. They cut my hair type every day. They have had a lot of practice.

However, I did not realize that the small town hair fashion in my city is not the same as the types of hairstyles that I want. Plus, my communication skills are a bit lacking while sitting in a barber's chair.

People in this city wear their coarse, thick, straight hair, BIG, fluffed out, high above their heads, layered up, pouffy, teased and blow dried into BIG 80's hair. I like my coarse, thick, straight hair lying flat, as flat as possible, even buzzed super short during the summer months when I am not working.

Not only am I fighting the style that the barber thinks would look good on me, I am also struggling with my ability to communicate with elementary language abilities.

While pointing at different areas of my head I say,
Here short. Here long. Here I want to see my ears. Right now, can't see my ears. Want short here so I can see my ears.

What is the result?
A nice 80's haircut.

Next time maybe I will bring a picture and buzz most of it off.


M said...

well, now you kind of need to show what a nice 80's haircut is :)

王美安 said...

Well... actually after having my cut for a few days I have realized it isn't as 80's as the barber had styled it. When I left the barber's chair, it was all blow dried, feathered out and brushed to the side. I felt like a girl from an 80's Hong Kong action film. But now that I can style it myself, it looks better, more hip, flat.... Still though when I go the states I might shave part of it. I love the feel of shaved heads.